Of course, as much fun as it is to cook out and have a day off of work, I think it's important that we not forget what this holiday is really all about: remembering the brave men and women who fought and died for our freedom. Joe and I lost a very good friend who was in the Air Force last October, so I've been thinking about him a lot this weekend. I'm so grateful for his sacrifice, and for the sacrifices of all the others who lost their lives.
Enjoy the holiday, everyone!
Monday: We’ll be eating all day and most likely won’t be hungry for dinner!
Tuesday: Rigatoni with chicken, bacon and mushrooms, garlic bread
Wednesday: Rice burritos. The recipe calls them enchiladas, but they’re not baked in sauce, which means they are not enchiladas in my book. (Am I thinking about this too much?)
Thursday: Foil-pack chicken and artichokes with rice
Friday: Leftovers, sandwiches, or take-out
Saturday: Pulled chicken suiza sandwiches, tortilla chips with pico de gallo
Sunday: Pepperoni pizza puffs, salad
Thanks so much for the kind words regarding my issues with my pain. I appreciate it :) So I am making those pizza puffs for my hubby's bday party in a few weeks. I am so excited to try them out!!
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