Tuesday, July 20, 2010

BBQ Chicken Meatballs

Remember how last summer when I was pregnant, all I could do was wax poetic about all things barbecued? And I told you how I was never all that gung-ho about BBQ until I got pregnant? Well, I am no longer pregnant (obviously), but my love for BBQ? It remains. And it is strong and true.

I’ve had these BBQ chicken meatballs on my list of recipes to try since last summer, and I’m so glad I finally got them on the menu, because they’re so good! They have a subtle spice from the chili powder, and a nice sweetness from the applesauce to balance it out. These were a huge hit with the entire family, maybe especially with Andrew, who ate four of them! I served ours with a side of cheesy broccoli and rice and some cheddar biscuits.


BBQ Chicken Meatballs
source: Epicurious

1 pound ground chicken
2/3 cup corn-bread crumbs or bread crumbs
1 egg
1 small onion, grated and drained
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 tablespoons applesauce
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup barbecue sauce

1. Combine the first 8 ingredients. Form the mixture into 1-inch balls.

2. Place the oil in a wide frying pan. Add the meatballs and brown them on all sides until cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes.

3. Add the barbecue sauce. Cook until it reduces and sticks to the meatballs, about 1 minute. Serve.


  1. sounds yummy! staring in google reader

  2. What about ground turkey? Our grocery store doesn't have ground chicken.

  3. I'm sure ground turkey would work just fine, Heidi!

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And the hungry people said...