Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekly Meal Planning

It's October? Seriously? ALREADY? I just don't know where this year has gone. Fall has definitely fallen around here; the leaves are starting to change, and the air is getting crisper. We even had to use our heater a couple of days last week. Autumn is my favorite season, so I hope it sticks around for a while before winter takes over.

It's not hard to see what I've been craving lately: My menu this week is pretty Italian food-heavy. Luckily for me Joe's half Italian, so he never gets sick of Italian food!

Monday: Stuffed pizza rolls, mozzarella sticks. I didn't get to make this last week, and my desire for melty cheese and red sauce has been particularly strong lately, so I can't wait to eat this meal.

Tuesday: Chicken bacon alfredo pizza. We liked last week's pizza so much that I'm using the same method for this yummy-sounding version.

Wednesday: Chicken cacciatore risotto, garlic bread. This risotto is a "leftover" from my meal plan a few weeks ago. I'll use half of a rotisserie chicken for Tuesday night's pizza, and the other half for this meal. (Side note: I think rotisserie chicken is one of THE ABSOLUTE BEST values you can find at the grocery store. It makes everything so convenient!)

Thursday: Chinese take-out. A new place just opened in the same shopping center as the grocery store, so whenever I'm shopping it smells so good I can barely stand it. I've heard good things about this place already, so I'm excited to try it. Our town is sorely lacking in the Chinese food department.

Friday: Zucchini alfredo, parmesan knots. The store is still carrying some decent-looking zucchini, so I figure I'd better take advantage of it while I can.

Saturday: Meatball subs. Totally inspired by Jessie.

Sunday: Meatloaf, individual potatoes au gratin, green beans, rolls. Another meal I'd planned to make a few weeks ago and didn't get the chance to. Clearly it's shaping up to be a meaty weekend.

Weekend Breakfast: Egg, cheese, and tomato bagel breakfast sandwiches -- one of our favorite go-to breakfasts. I just spread toasted, buttered bagels with Miracle Whip (mayonnaise would also work, but I like the flavor of Miracle Whip with eggs), then layer on a fried egg or two, sliced American cheese, and some sliced and salted tomato. Joe usually requests some form of meat on his, but I much prefer mine without it.

Baking: Walnut pear sour cream cake. I can't even type the name of this cake without salivating a little bit. I hope it lives up to my expectations, because they are HIGH.

1 comment:

  1. Everything sounds delicious! I'm starving now for Italian and it's only breakfast time:-).


And the hungry people said...