Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mexican Pulled Chicken Stuffed Peppers

I love making Mexican-style shredded chicken in the Crock pot, but I usually use it for burritos or tacos. I was really excited when I saw this recipe, because I love stuffed peppers, and I always try to put some version of them on our menu whenever bell peppers are on sale.

These were absolutely delicious, and so easy too. The chicken cooks itself, basically, so all you have to do the night you serve this meal is stuff and cook the peppers themselves. I always halve my peppers before I stuff them, because I think it makes them easier to eat (and they cook faster too!). I haven’t tried it, but I bet they’d freeze well too.

With our favorite sour cream rice on the side, this was a hearty, satisfying, and easy meal.

Mexican Pulled Chicken Stuffed Peppers
adapted from Life As A Plate

3 chicken breasts
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can corn, drained
1 package taco seasoning
4 cups salsa, divided
4 large bell peppers, any color
Shredded Mexican-blend cheese

1. Put chicken breasts, black beans, corn, taco seasoning and 2 cups salsa in the Crock pot. Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. Shred chicken with two forks and mix well.

2. Using a sharp knife, halve peppers and pull out all the seeds and ribs. Stuff each pepper half with chicken mixture.

3. Spread 1 cup salsa on the bottom of a baking dish. Place peppers in dish and top with remaining 1 cup salsa. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, or until peppers are soft.

4. Top with shredded cheese and cook for an additional 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted. Serve immediately.


  1. I LOVE this recipe! Crockpot cooking and peppers! Two of my favorites!


  2. This sounds really delicious and something new to try. Thank you for sharing this.



And the hungry people said...