Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekly Meal Planning, week of 7.19.10

Monday: Chile, cheese, and bacon quesadillas, Mexican sour cream rice (carry-over from last week)

Tuesday: Broccoli, salami and mozzarella stromboli (carry-over from last week) (again) (I know.)

Wednesday: Chicken parmesan cakes over spaghetti, salad

Thursday: Macaroni and cheese with hot dogs. The Velveeta version. Sometimes you just crave something from your childhood, you know?

Friday: Leftovers, sandwiches or take-out

Saturday: Creamy burrito casserole

Sunday: Summer vegetable and pesto tart (Wow, I actually got a vegetarian meal on the menu this week! For the first time in I don’t know how long! Go me!)


  1. I love your menu this week! Between the stromboli and the vegetable pesto tart....I would be in heaven.

  2. You don't want to know how many carryovers we have from last week.


    Yeah. I know.

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And the hungry people said...