Friday, April 16, 2010

Secret Kiss Cookies

Do any of you get those recipe packets sent to you in the mail? You know the ones I mean -- where a company sends you ten or so recipes on those 5 x 7 cards, in hopes of luring you into ordering even more recipe cards? I get them all the time and I have for years, but to date these cookies are the first recipe I ever tried. Joe saw the picture on the front of the card and said, "You have to make those. Right now." And who am I to deny a request from anyone for cookies?

Okay, I'm going to warn you: I found these cookies to be very inconsistent. The first time I made them they turned out so dry they were barely palatable, and I decided that I wasn't going to post the recipe. But then I thought I'd try them again, just to be sure, and the second time they turned out perfectly: nice and chewy with a sweet, semi-soft chocolate surprise inside. I have no idea what I did differently the second time. Because of the inconsistency, I don't know if I'll make this particular cookie again, although I do love the idea of them. Maybe I'll try them with a chocolate chip cookie dough, or maybe I'll use the peanut butter dough from these Snickers cookies to make them taste like inverted peanut butter blossoms. (Holy yum!) If you try them, will you let me know how they turn out?

Secret Kiss Cookies
source: Great American Home Baking recipe card

3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened
1/3 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
25 Hershey's Kisses
1 1/2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar
3/4 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder

1. Preheate oven to 350 degrees. Combine the butter and brown sugar in a medium bowl. Beat with an electric mixer set on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla. Combine the flour and cinnamon in another medium bowl. Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix well.

2. Shape the dough into 25 1-inch balls. Flatten each ball into a 2-inch round. Place the rounds 1 inch apart on 2 ungreased baking sheets. Place 1 Hershey's Kiss in the center of each round. Enclose the candy with the dough, making sure the candy is completely sealed in the dough. Bake until golden, about 15 minutes.

3. Combine the confectioners' sugar and cocoa in a small bowl. Sprinkle over the hot cookies. Cool the cookies on the baking sheets for 10 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.


  1. Cassie you're my hero these are really cute and would make wonderful Valentines Day treats.

    I am getting ready to make a bunch of recipes this coming week that I found on your blog. It's going to look like I stalk you on my blog but don't be afraid...LOL.

  2. Katie, you are adorable! I read your post about the white pizza dip but when I clicked over to comment on it, it had disappeared. You totally made my day with your compliments. So thank you! :)

  3. Yeah I had it prepared for Sunday and hit publish...silly me. I was hoping nobody caught it. I blame it on lack of sleep and trying to create a post at work while keeping an eye out for the boss who may or may not walk by my cube while I am NOT doing work related stuff.

  4. These are so dang adorable! I always use the kisses to put on top of peanut butter cookies..this is a whole different idea though that I can't wait to try!!

  5. I admit I think those look fun. However I just had to let you know that I am really missing Burgers and Fries Fridays. I know you need a break every now and then, but we are headed towards prime grilling season and we need those recipes!;) Thanks for all your yummy ideas.

  6. They look delicious Cassie. I remember making these quite a while back with powdered sugar on top. Very good, but maybe too good! I could eat a ton of these!

  7. It scares me to think how many of these I would be able to eat in one sitting!

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And the hungry people said...