Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baked Potato Eggs

I've been seeing lots of recipes for baked eggs popping up everywhere lately. There's the recipe in the current issue of Everyday Food for baked eggs and tortillas that I've been wanting to try (and which, by the way, I failed to make for the fourth week in a row, dammit); there's a recipe for baked eggs with caramelized onions in the new issue of Everyday with Rachael Ray that looks amazing. And then there's this recipe, which I stumbled across randomly and promptly put on our menu. It's like an entire breakfast stuffed inside a baked potato. How could I resist?

We loved these. Even Andrew ate almost an entire potato by himself! They were so simple to make and tasted absolutely amazing. You can change up the filling in a bunch of different ways; next time I think I'll add green chiles, sour cream, and cheddar cheese to the filling to give these a Southwest flare. But you can use any combination of flavors you personally like. These will be showing up on our weekly menus frequently!

Baked Potato Eggs
source: adapted from Real Simple

2 large baking potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
7 breakfast sausage links, cooked and diced
4 large eggs

Salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Scrub the potatoes and pierce each with the tines of a fork. Bake until fork-tender, about 45 minutes.

2. Carefully cut each potato in half. Scoop out the insides and stir in the butter and cheese. Fold in the sausages. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spoon the mixture back into the potato halves, creating a hollow in each center. Break 1 egg into each hollow. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

3. Arrange on a baking sheet and cook 15 to 20 minutes or until set.


  1. I could eat these for breakfast, lunch or dinner! yuM.

    I've seen the recipe in EDF and it looks really tasty too.

  2. I'm all about baked eggs, and these look heavenly!

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And the hungry people said...