Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pepper Jack, Chicken and Peach Quesadillas with Honey-Lime Sour Cream

I’ve come to the conclusion that people in my state (myself included) are never happy when it comes to the weather. First we were dealing with 40 degree temperatures in May, and we complained that it was too cold. Then we had solid weeks of rain, and we complained that it was too wet. And now? Well, now we’re dealing with temperatures in the mid-90s and really high levels of humidity. So now we want it to cool down a little bit – and to rain, if for no other reason than to wash away some of the humidity. Straighten up, Ohio weather!

Yesterday the temperature topped out at about 97 degrees, and the last thing I wanted to do was turn on the oven to make dinner. Thankfully, I had these quesadillas on the menu. They came together very quickly and didn’t heat up the kitchen too much, and they were absolutely delicious. The combination of pepper-jack cheese and peaches is so perfect, and the sour cream sauce is so refreshing and yummy. My boys each ate an entire quesadilla. I served this with our favorite cilantro lime rice, although Mexican sour cream rice would also be a delicious side.

I used white peaches because they looked the best at the store, but in a few months, you can bet I’ll be making these quesadillas again with peaches straight from the orchard. These quesadillas are already so good, I can only imagine how delicious they’ll be with even fresher peaches. I’ll be sure to report back. :)

Pepper Jack, Chicken and Peach Quesadillas with Honey-Lime Sour Cream
slightly adapted from On My Menu

1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon fresh lime juice
1/2 cup sour cream
4 8-inch flour tortillas
3/4 cup pepper-jack cheese
1 cup chopped skinless, boneless rotisserie chicken breast
1 cup thinly sliced peeled firm ripe peaches
Cooking spray

1. Combine honey and lime juice in a small bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Stir sour cream into honey mixture; cover and chill until ready to serve.

2. Place tortillas flat on a work surface. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons cheese over half of each tortilla; top each tortilla with 1/4 cup chicken and 1/4 cup peaches. Fold tortillas in half.

3. Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Place 2 quesadillas in the pan. Cook 1 1/2 minutes on each side or until tortillas are crisp and lightly browned. Remove quesadillas from pan; set aside, and keep warm. Repeat procedure with the remaining quesadillas. Cut each quesadilla into wedges. Serve with sauce.

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  1. Oh I hear ya on the weather... We're in Massachusetts and its been the same complaints, too cold, too wet, too hot, now we are having severe thunderstorms with hail.... Go figure. Love quesadillas never thought to add apricots,(one of our favorite fruits )
    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Yum! We loved the chicken and pineapple quesadillas I made awhile back so I'm sure these will be just as good. And I always love an excuse to make Mexican sour cream rice. :)

  3. ha I have made ALL of those complaints the last few weeks :) this sounds like a killer quesadilla combo!

  4. Yum! These look great!

    And yeah... the weather. I was reading about the weather and I'm like, "hmm... I wonder where she is? Sounds like here." and then I saw that you are in Ohio. So am I! I totally feel ya on the weather. I'm bent about not having a Spring!


And the hungry people said...