Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly Meal Planning

Wow. So I just looked over this week's menu and noticed that we're having chicken five out of seven days this week. Don't be surprised if all future posts are written in clucking. (Bock!)

Also: As of today I've officially made it through half a month of posting every day. I hope you guys are enjoying the recipes; I'm definitely enjoying getting caught up on sharing some of them! My 300th post is coming up during the week of Thanksgiving (which I guess is next week -- whoa), and I think I'm going to do a fun giveaway, so be sure to check back!

Monday: Chicken cordon bleu casserole, salad

Tuesday: Homemade chicken noodle soup, salad

Wednesday: Macaroni and cheese with cauliflower, salad. We've been eating a lot of macaroni and cheese lately, and my obsession with cauliflower continues. Joe has also been on a salad kick lately, as you can probably tell, which I guess is much better for us than my near-constant craving for bacon.

Thursday: Buffalo chicken joes, steak fries

Friday: Cheddar chicken chowder, rolls. (Mmm...more bacon...)

Saturday: Pizza-stuffed peppers, garlic bread. This meal is on the menu for the third time in just about as many weeks. It's been eclipsed by fast food twice, but I'm determined not to let that happen again!

Sunday: Chicken fajita lasagna -- a family favorite recipe that I can't believe I haven't shared yet.

Weekend Breakfast: Mandarin orange breakfast bites. This breakfast is pretty much all for Andrew, who is obsessed with mandarin oranges.

Baking: Snickers pie. I think I'm also going to make a batch of my mom's pear muffins, because I've been craving them like mad lately. Maybe I'll make two batches so I can freeze some for when the baby's born.

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And the hungry people said...