Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekly Meal Planning, Week of 4.23.12

It’s Monday again, which means it’s meal planning time again, which is hilarious in and of itself because it implies that I’ll actually be cooking. I’ve been so incredibly busy lately that I’ve definitely been ignoring the meal plan more often in favor of sandwiches or other easy meals. I’m forcing myself to cook every single meal on the plan this week, though, because I’m sick of wasting ingredients.

Without further ado (and without many more words, because of the whole so-busy-I-could-cry thing), the meals that I’ve sworn to prepare this week:

Monday: Chicken enchilada pasta

Tuesday: BBQ chicken sandwiches with onion strings and fries

Wednesday: Berry buttermilk pancakes, tater tots, sausage links

Thursday: Joe has softball practice, so the boys will be getting Happy Meals and I’ll probably just have a sandwich.

Friday: Boursin bacon chicken quesadillas, steamed broccoli, rice

Saturday: Italian macaroni and cheese

Sunday: Turkey bacon ranch slicers on pretzel rolls, chips

1 comment:

And the hungry people said...