Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Oh, food blog, how I have neglected thee. Thanksgiving came and went, and I did some cooking, and my dad's 60th birthday party came and went, and I did some cooking for that, but nothing seems to have made it up here lately.

So. I feel like if I post this (because writing anything on one of my blogs is like writing it in stone, of course), I will actually buckle down and force myself to get baking. Yes, I am totally in denial that Christmas is almost here. Without further ado, here is the list of Christmas cookies you can keep an eye out for coming up soon:

I have some other holiday desserts planned, too, plus some baking to do for a co-worker who just had his first baby, but I think if I pace myself I'll be fine. Look for the first two recipes on Monday, since I've committed to baking two dozen cookies for our holiday cookie exchange at work.


  1. That sounds like a good variety of cookies! I'm doing my first round of holiday cookie baking this weekend, and I'm still trying to come up with a good balance of flavors.

  2. These all sound yummy. Just what my newly diagnosed thyroid issue ordered...not. :(
    I'll still make most of it, though. I have tons of family.

  3. Cookies are my favorite dessert! The oatmeal cinnamon chip cookies sound especially good right now.


And the hungry people said...