Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekly Meal Planning, Week of 4.4.11, and My New Facebook Page

Happy Sunday morning to you all! I'm recovering from a 24-hour stomach bug, so the last thing I really feel like doing is eating (or even thinking about eating), but the meal plan waits for no one! 

Before I get to the meals we'll be enjoying this week, though, I have a little announcement. I've had a few recent requests to set up a Facebook page, and since it was something I've been thinking about doing for awhile anyway, I've decided to bite the bullet and set one up. There's not much there yet, but I look forward to using this platform to connect with all of you and sharing in real time all of the fun things that are going on in my kitchen. I would be so honored if you would like me!. :)

Without further ado, here's what we'll be eating this week! 

Monday: Cheesy Southwestern pasta (I’m going to add corn and black beans to this recipe to make it even heartier) 

Tuesday: Texas BBQ sloppy joes and steak fries 

Wednesday: Salsa rice burritos 

Thursday: Monte Cristos and fruit (I keep putting these on the menu then not making them for whatever reason, and Joe’s getting pretty testy about it. April 7 is his birthday and he’s adamant that we have these then, so far be it from me to screw with a birthday wish!) 

Friday: We’re going to see Jerry Seinfeld, so we’ll probably have a late dinner somewhere after the show. 

Saturday: Hawaiian chicken, rice pilaf, steamed broccoli 

Sunday: Taco rice

1 comment:

  1. I "liked" you! Check out my FB page too:


And the hungry people said...