Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cauliflower Puree

I may have mentioned once or twice or 1200 times that my oldest son hates cauliflower. He’s a great vegetable eater (even if he doesn’t eat much else these days…) but cauliflower is the one thing I can very rarely get him to touch. However, I am happy to report that when I presented him with this cauliflower puree, he dug right in and ate every single bite. He even asked for (and got) seconds! I think he tried it without hesitation because it looks like mashed potatoes, but even when he asked what it was and I told him, he didn’t stop eating. Success! (Will loved it too, but that’s not saying much because Will loves everything.)

This is definitely my favorite way to prepare cauliflower. This recipe is perfected and simplified from one I posted in the early days of my blog. I love the rich flavor and creamy, velvety texture of this puree. I usually serve it underneath our favorite pork chops, which I think is a wonderful pairing. This is a great alternative to mashed potatoes, and it’s cauliflower-hater approved!

Cauliflower Puree

1 head cauliflower, core removed and cut into florets
2 cups chicken broth
2 tablespoons butter
1 generous tablespoon sour cream
Salt and pepper to taste

1. In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat chicken broth to boiling. Add cauliflower and simmer until cauliflower is softened, about 10 to 12 minutes. Reserve 1 cup of cooking liquid.

2. Transfer cauliflower to a blender; add butter, sour cream, and 1/4 cup reserved chicken broth. Pulse to combine, adding more liquid as needed to achieve desired texture. Taste for seasoning, and season with salt and pepper to taste.



  1. Love cauliflower puree. We made it this past year as one of the sides for Thanksgiving insteado f mashed potatoes. Everyone RAVED about it. YUM! I'll have to try your version with using sour cream. Sounds great.

  2. Hooray Cassie for getting cauliflower into a non-cauliflower "liker"! I would be asking for 2nds too from the looks of dish pictured in this post. :-)

  3. Nice Recipe!Thats very Healthy.

  4. This looks DELISH!! I can't wait to try it!

  5. I use cauliflower to bulk up mashed potatoes. You totally can't tell the difference. I just boil it along with the potato chunks.


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