Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekly Meal Planning, Week of 11.29.10

The Thanksgiving holiday completely screwed up my typical meal planning process. I didn't finish planning this week's menu until Friday night, and I didn't do my grocery shopping until this morning. I'm looking forward to getting back on track this week, and actually spending some time cooking. It's been a couple of weeks since I did that with any regularity.


  1. we are totally out of whack also, so ready to get back in a groove

  2. I'm totally out of whack, too, between the wisdom teeth, the holiday, and the daycare stress. But we're back on a plan this week.

  3. You and me both! I am so off with the meal planning - I haven't meal planned in two weeks (maybe more?) NOR have I blogged! I have been super busy at work and with the holidays and traveling. But I hope to get back in my groove next Monday! That broccoli cheddar soup looks delish :)


And the hungry people said...