Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Apple Week: Toffee Apple Dip

I guess I’m technically cheating with this recipe. It doesn’t actually contain apples, but its entire purpose is to serve as a dip for apples. So that counts, right? Regardless, this is too delicious not to share, during Apple Week or any time. I could have eaten this with a spoon.

...Okay, here’s the actual truth: I did eat this with a spoon. I forwent the apples for a good portion of this and just ate spoonfuls of it. That’s how good it was. It’s so sweet and creamy and warm-tasting, the perfect balance to crisp, tart Granny Smith apples. It reminds me quite a bit of chocolate chip cookie dough dip, but this version has toffee bits in addition to chocolate. YUM.

Make this. You won’t be sorry. Just be aware that if you have less than one iota of willpower, you’ll be eating it with a spoon. Fair warning. Thanks for a great recipe, Leigh!

Toffee Apple Dip
from One Day at a Time – From My Kitchen to Yours

2 8-ounce packages cream cheese, softened

3/4 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 package Heath chocolate-toffee bits
Sliced tart (Granny Smith) apples

Combine ingredients in a large bowl. Serve with apples and refrigerate leftovers.



  1. I for sure need to make this. I love apples with dip!

  2. Groan! Add a little sour cream and chop up some apples to fold into the dip and you can call it a salad. Kind of like the grape salad- ha ha!

    Definitely making this one.


And the hungry people said...