Thursday, May 6, 2010

French-Fried Onion Chicken Tenders

Folks, it just doesn’t get any easier, more delicious, or more kid-friendly than this. These French-fried onion chicken tenders were a huge hit with my whole family -- especially with my toddler, who loves anything that can be dipped but was especially smitten with these. They came together in no time and tasted so good.

A couple of suggestions: Even if you’re using a nonstick baking sheet to cook these on, I would still spray it with cooking spray or cover it with a sheet of foil. I did neither of these things and there was definitely some stickage. I also took Lauren’s suggestion and only worked with a small amount of onions at a time so they didn’t get soggy from the egg.

I’ll definitely be making these frequently. This recipe is perfect for weeknight cooking because it’s quick and easy and calls for so few ingredients. Add French fries or a vegetable, and you've got a full meal. It’s also pretty cheap to make, which doesn’t hurt either.

French-Fried Onion Chicken Tenders
source: Lauren’s Kitchen

2 pounds chicken tenders
3 eggs
1 large can French-fried onions (or 2 small cans)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Beat eggs and place in a shallow bowl. Place onions in a plastic bag and crush. Put crushed onions in another shallow bowl.

3. Coat tenders in egg, then in the onions. Place on a baking sheet and back for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve with sauce of choice (we used honey mustard).


  1. I'm made something similar to this but used Sour Cream and Onion Pringles instead. Yum!!

  2. Sour cream and onion pringles?! yum!

    I've used the recipe on the back of the french fried onion can for the coated chicken breast and was pretty lackluster. I think it had potential but it was way under seasoned.

    These chicken tenders on the other hand look delicious!

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And the hungry people said...